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Veterinary Medical Strategy & Planning

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  • Veterinary Advisory

  • Veterinary medical strategy & planning input.

  • Veterinary public health input for improved public health safety – preventing bites, zoonotic diseases, biosecurity & co-sheltering education​

  • Veterinary medical and behavioral health input for animal-safe emergency planning, response, and recovery

  • Biosecurity, public health, zoonotic disease risk mitigation consultation

  • pre-incident site evaluation and planning input. 

  • Evacuation shelter setup checklists

Communicable diseases are a risk in any situation that results in many different families and individuals mingling together in close proximity. During disasters, evacuees (human and animal) are exposed to mental, emotional, and physical stressors. When stress levels are high, body systems are required to work overtime to keep the body stable.

Some ways in which policy shifts affects emergency preparedness to include animals:


  • pet-awareness at all levels of disaster planning

  • prioritization of pet-friendly sheltering sites

  • providing family-units (pets and their humans) safe evacuation options during a disaster

  • pet-inclusive evacuation shelters that advocate for animal safety

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